Category Archives: Uncategorized

My Favorite Video on Youtube in 2011

My Favorite Song and Video Clip 2011 :

* Adele is My Heartbreak Superstar 🙂

This is Absolutely Funny


CIAO “Super Sic”

I can’t believe it, dalam waktu yang tidak berjauhan saya sudah kehilangan satu lagi tokoh favorite. Setelah belum lama kematian Steve Jobs sekarang menyusul pula salah satu rider muda yang saya kagumi selain Valentino Rossi.

I will always remember how he always very happy, regardless of his on track performance. is still hasnt hit me that I will never see him around the track again. So Sad…The entire racing community has lost a wonderful man…

Sekilas mengenai perjalanan hidup Marco Simoncelli :

1987: Born in Cattolica, Italy on January 20.

1996: Runner-up in the Italian Minimoto Championship.

1999: Champion of the Italian Minimoto Championship.

2000: Claims a back-to-back title in the Italian Minimoto Championship and is runner-up in the European Minimoto Championship.

2001: Moves up to the the Italian 125cc Championship and wins the title in his rookie year.

2002: Wins the European 125cc title.

2003: Takes part in his first full season in the 125cc World Championship with the Matteoni Racing team.

2004: Joins the Rauch Bravo team and wins his first Grand Prix at a rain-soaked Jerez.

2005: Completes another 125cc campaign with the Race team and finishes fifth in the final standings.

2006: Moves up to the 250cc class riding for Gilera. Finishes the season in 10th overall with a sixth place finish at the Chinese Grand Prix his best result.

2008: June – Wins his first 250cc race (pictured above and below) at the Italian GP in Mugello in controversial circumstances when Hector Barbera crashed into him after Simoncelli appeared to try to block him off.

October – Wins the 250cc World Championship after a successful season with Gilera with a third place finish in the Malaysian Grand Prix at Sepang.

2009: Finishes third overall in the 250cc World Championship behind Japan’s Hiroshi Aoyama and Spain’s Barbera.

2010: Moves up to ride in his debut MotoGP season for Honda. Finishes 16 of the 18 races en route to eighth place in the championship.


May – Collides with Dani Pedrosa while battling for second in the French GP.

The resulting crash saw Pedrosa break his collarbone and Simoncelli receive a ride-through penalty, eventually finishing fifth. Simoncelli accepted he needed to re-evaluate his driving style and at times be more cautious.

June – Claims his first MotoGP pole at the Catalan GP but a poor start resulted in a sixth placed finish.

October 23 – Killed in a crash during the Malaysian GP in Sepang.

I’M Gonna Miss U Super Sic. 😦

Steve Jobs: timeline

1955: Stephen Paul Jobs is born on Feb. 24.

1972: Jobs enrolls at Reed College in Portland, Oregon, but drops out after a semester.

1974: Jobs works for video game maker Atari and attends meetings of the Homebrew Computer Club with Steve Wozniak, a high school friend who was a few years older.

1975: Jobs and Wozniak attend Homebrew Computer Club meetings.

1976: Apple Computer is formed on April Fool’s Day, shortly after Wozniak and Jobs create a new computer circuit board in a Silicon Valley garage. A third co-founder, Ron Wayne, leaves the company after less than two weeks. The Apple I computer goes on sale by the summer for $666.66.

1977: Apple is incorporated by its founders and a group of venture capitalists. It unveils Apple II, the first personal computer to generate color graphics. Revenue reaches $1 million.

1978: Jobs’ daughter Lisa is born to girlfriend Chrisann Brennan.

1979: Jobs visits Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, or PARC, and is inspired by a computer with a graphical user interface.

1980: Apple goes public, raising $110 million in one of the biggest initial public offerings to date.

1982: Annual revenue climbs to $1 billion.

1983: The Lisa computer goes on sale with much fanfare, only to be pulled two years later. Jobs lures John Sculley away from Pepsico Inc. to serve as Apple’s CEO.

1984: Iconic “1984” Macintosh commercial directed by Ridley Scott airs during the Super Bowl. The Macintosh computer goes on sale.

1985: Jobs and Sculley clash, leading to Jobs’ resignation. Wozniak also resigns from Apple this year.

1986: Jobs starts Next Inc., a new computer company making high-end machines for universities. He also buys Pixar from “Star Wars” creator George Lucas for $10 million.

1989: First NeXT computer goes on sale with a $6,500 price tag.

1991: Apple and IBM Corp. announce an alliance to develop new PC microprocessors and software. Apple unveils portable Macs called PowerBook.

1993: Apple introduces the Newton, a hand-held, pen-based computer. The company reports quarterly loss of $188 million in July. Sculley is replaced as CEO by Apple president Michael Spindler. Apple restructures, and Sculley resigns as chairman. At Next, Jobs decides to focus on software instead of whole computers.

1994: Apple introduces Power Macintosh computers based on the PowerPC chip it developed with IBM and Motorola. Apple decides to license its operating software and allow other companies to “clone” the Mac, adopting the model championed by Microsoft Corp.

1995: The first Mac clones go on sale. Microsoft releases Windows 95, which is easier to use than previous versions and is more like the Mac system. Apple struggles with competition, parts shortages and mistakes predicting customer demand. Pixar’s “Toy Story,” the first commercial computer-animated feature, hits theaters. Pixar goes to Wall Street with an IPO that raises $140 million.

1996: Apple announces plans to buy Next for $430 million for the operating system Jobs’ team developed. Jobs is appointed an adviser to Apple. Gil Amelio replaces Spindler as CEO.

1997: Jobs becomes “interim” CEO after Amelio is pushed out. He foreshadows the marketing hook for a new product line by calling himself “iCEO.” Jobs puts an end to Mac clones.

1998: Apple returns to profitability. It shakes up personal computer industry in 1998 with the candy-colored, all-in-one iMac desktop, the original models shaped like a futuristic TV. Apple discontinues the Newton.

2000: Apple removes “interim” label from Jobs’ CEO title.

2001: The first iPod goes on sale, as do computers with OS X, the modern Mac operating system based on Next software. Apple also releases iTunes software.

2003: Apple launches the iTunes Music Store with 200,000 songs at 99 cents each, giving people a convenient way to buy music legally online. It sells 1 million songs in the first week.

2004: Jobs undergoes surgery for a rare but curable form of pancreatic cancer. Apple discloses his illness after the fact.

2005: Apple expands the iPod line with the tiny Nano and an iPod that can play video. The company also announces that future Macs will use Intel chips.

2006: Disney buys Pixar for $7.4 billion. Jobs becomes Disney’s largest individual shareholder, and much of his wealth is derived from this sale.

2007: Apple releases its first smartphone, the iPhone. Crowds camp overnight at stores to be one of the first to own the new device.

2008: Speculation mounts that Jobs is ill, given weight loss. In September he kicks off an Apple event and says, “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated,” making a play off a famous Mark Twain quote after Bloomberg News accidentally publishes, then retracts, an obituary that it had prepared in advance.

2009: Jobs explains severe weight loss by saying he has a treatable hormone imbalance and that he will continue to run Apple. Days later he backtracks and announces he will be on medical leave. He returns to work in June. Later it is learned that he received a liver transplant.

2010: Apple sells 15 million of its newest gadget, the iPad, in nine months, giving rise to a new category of modern touch-screen tablet computers.

Jan. 17, 2011: In a memo to Apple employees, Jobs announces a second medical leave with no set duration. Cook again steps in to run day-to-day operations. Jobs retains CEO title and remains involved in major decisions.

Aug. 24, 2011: Apple announces that Jobs is resigning as CEO. Cook takes the CEO title, and Apple names Jobs chairman.

Oct. 5, 2011: Jobs dies at 56. Apple announces his death without giving a specific cause.

 Thanks Mr.Jobs, Thanks for showing that what you build can change the world. I will miss you” Steve Jobs” – Tya –

Resolusi tahun baru untuk menjadi PENULIS yang lebih produktif

Apakah Anda berharap untuk menjadi penulis lebih produktif pada tahun 2012? Mari kita tinjau apa yang harus Anda lakukan.

1. Menulis setiap hari.

2. Berkomitmen untuk menulis setidaknya 90 menit setiap hari. ( atau menulis  15 menit tiap hari jika Anda berpikir Anda tidak punya waktu sehingga Anda tidak ketinggalan satu haripun dan lakukan secara kontinuitas.

3. Menulis tanpa istirahat. Setelah 1 ½ sampai 2 jam, biarkan diri Anda untuk istirahat dari menulis – beralih ke tugas non-menulis yang dapat menunjang Anda maju untuk maju (seperti membaca,  mencari kutipan, meninjau catatan,  atau mengedit apa yang telah ditulis). Namun setidaknya menulis  minimal 90 menit sebelum Anda bangun dari kursi Anda.

4. Anda akan lebih produktif jika Anda menulis hal pertama di pagi hari. Bahkan jika Anda menganggap diri Anda orang malam bukan orang pagi, Anda tentu akan lebih produktif menulis di pagi hari. ( Sayatidak berbicara tentang kemudahan atau tidak adanya tingkat kesulitan ataupun hambatan … namun lebih mengacu pada produktivitas).  Menulislah selama  90 menit setiap pagi dan segera selesaikanlah . Probabiitas untuk tidak melewatkan kesempatan untuk menulis tiap hari akan lebih sedikit jika Anda selalu menjadwalkan sehari sebelumnya. Namun jika Anda bersikeras Anda menulis lebih baik di malam hari, maka menulis kembali di malam hari.

5. Setelah Anda  dapat mengatasi rasa takut dan cemas yang membuat Anda bahkan malas untuk memulai menulis … setelah Anda membiasakan menulis setiap hari selama libur semester atau dalam jangka waktu tertentu, maka Anda telah membuat kebiasaan menulis pada diri Anda . Bahkan Anda dapat membuat jadwal untuk menulis sesekali tiap semester dimulai atau di tengah s rutinitakesibukan Anda yang lain.

Beberapa orang menganggapmenulis disertasi mereka atau tesis menjadi suatu pekerjaan – sesuatucyang harus mereka lakukan Senin sampai Jumat, dengan Sabtu dan Minggu off.  Namun dua hari berturut-turut Anda tidak menyempatkan sedikit waktu untuk menulis makan akan membuat Anda sulit untuk kembali menulis secara produktif.

Jadi pilihlah satu hari dalam seminggu untuk Anda bersama keluarga,  sahabat ataupun hal lainnya – dan jadikan hari tersebut sebagai hari Anda beristirahat untuk menulis.

6. Untuk hal yang awalnya memutuskan menulis untuk mengisi kesempatan maka jika terus dilakukan dengan rutin dan fokus Anda akan menjadi seorang penulis yang produktif. Berikut ini ada salah satu saran :

Ada dua daftar kerja yang Anda butuhkan untuk menulis:  Sebelum Anda mulai menulis setiap hari, buatlah daftar yang mencakup segala sesuatu yang Anda harus lakukan setelah waktu menulis Anda sudah berakhir. Masukkan dalam daftar Anda dan jangan pernah berfikir akan hal ini saat Anda sedang menulis.  Allen (2003) menekankan pentingnya membuat daftar ini, secara tertulis, tidak dalam daftar mental, ketika ia menunjukkan inefisiensi RAM psikis.

“Kepala Anda mungkin bukan tempat terbaik untuk menjaga segala sesuatu hal yang Anda pikirkan,… jangan hanya meninggalkannya dalam pikiran, komitmen diri ini membuat loop tak terbatas yang membuat tidak ada kemajuan dan menghasilkan konflik batin dan stres.

Segera setelah Anda membuat semacam komitmen dengan diri sendiri, jika tidak selesai pada saat ini, pikiran Anda akan menuntut dan mengambil energi psikis sampai hal tersebut akhirnya dapat diselesaikan.

“Jika saat Anda sedang menulis, pikiran yang berhubungan dengan apa yang akan Anda tulis berikutnya muncul secara tiba-tiba dan perlu diselesaikan , segera sempatkan beberapa detik untuk menuliskan hal tersebut ke dalam daftar, kemudian berenti memikirkannya hingga Anda selesai menulis.

Dan ada daftar kedua yang Anda harus buat : Jika saat Anda menulis Anda memikirkan beberapa tugas yang terkait tetapi non-menulis, tuliskan pula hal tersebut di dalam daftar.

“Mengapa membuat suatu daftar tentang tulisan Anda.? Karena saat Anda menulis Anda hanya harus fokus terhadap apa yang Anda tulis. Teruslah menulis. Setelah 90 menit dan telah selesai, maka Anda dapat beralih ke non-menulis maupun tugas yang berhubungan dengan proyek Anda. Anda akan menghasilkan lebih banyak menulis dengan metode ini.

Jadi, apakah Anda sudah memulai menulis hari ini?

Source : Allen, D. (2003). Ready for anything: 52 productivity principles for work and life. New York: Penguin Books.

Adele: Rolling In The Deep

BlackBerry Protect

BlackBerry Protect

BlackBerry Protect adalah aplikasi Gratis yang dirancang untuk membantu anda mencari BlackBerry Smartphone anda yang hilang atau dicuri. Dan fiturnya juga bisa mengamankan beberapa smartphones.

Jika BlackBerry anda hilang/dicuri anda hanya perlu login ke device anda dan kunci semua data di device anda. ke

Anda juga bisa hapuskan semua data di device dan memory card anda via website BlackBerry Protect jadi user baru tidak dapat akses data anda sama sekali.

Jika anda hanya tidak menemukan BlackBerry anda dan ingin mencarinya, anda bisa membuat pesan di homescreen BlackBerry anda kepada yang menemukan untuk mengembalikan handheld anda. Juga bisa melacak, mencari lokasi BlackBerry anda via peta map dan menemukannya.

Jika anda merasa BlackBerry anda di sekitar anda, anda bisa membuatnya dering secara full volume.

Beli BlackBerry baru? Fitur ini seperti di desktop manager, anda bisa simpan semua settings dari BlackBerry device lama anda yang anda backup dan restore ke device baru

Walaupun Untuk Wil Indonesia (ASIA) resminya keluar bulan April, tapi sekarang juga sudah bisa di pergunakan:

Blackberry Protect
Link OTA : (OS 5.0) (OS 6.0)

Link offline installer nya : (OS 5.0) (OS 6.0)

Interior Design & Unique items


Wooden USB Stick


2010 in review

The stats helper monkeys at mulled over how this blog did in 2010, and here’s a high level summary of its overall blog health:

Healthy blog!

The Blog-Health-o-Meter™ reads Wow.

Crunchy numbers

Featured image

The average container ship can carry about 4,500 containers. This blog was viewed about 17,000 times in 2010. If each view were a shipping container, your blog would have filled about 4 fully loaded ships.


In 2010, there were 10 new posts, not bad for the first year! There were 127 pictures uploaded, taking up a total of 20mb. That’s about 2 pictures per week.

The busiest day of the year was October 19th with 408 views. The most popular post that day was Kebaya Pengantin.

Where did they come from?

The top referring sites in 2010 were,,,, and

Some visitors came searching, mostly for kebaya modern 2010, cincin pernikahan, kebaya anne avantie, cincin, and kebaya modern.

Attractions in 2010

These are the posts and pages that got the most views in 2010.


Kebaya Pengantin June 2010
1 Like on,


10 Model Cincin Pernikahan June 2010


About Wedding June 2010


Sepasang Cincin Kawin… June 2010


Belajar Cara Menggunakan WordPress November 2010
3 Likes on

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Customizable workspaces for online collaboration. Manage projects, share files and collaborate with others.

Foto Pre Wedding / Pre Wedding Photo

Ada beberapa konsep photo pre wedding yang bisa dijadikan inspirasi, enjoy it :

Beberapa photo lainnya : More